Customizing the PnP Starter-Kit for Office 365 Part 1 – Portal Footer

If you’ve found this post, it’s likely you already know what the PnP Starter Kit is. However, if you do not, I’ve written a quick starter post about it here. The PnP Starter Kit is an open source initiative that provides an end to end solution for provisioning pre-built sites, web parts, extensions, site designs and more in an Office 365 environment.

While it really is an exhaustive example of how this can be done, many people are hoping to augment the solution to suit their own business needs. Because of this, I am going to start a series about how to configure and change certain aspects of the starter kit. In this post, we’ll talk about how to modify the footer in the hub site, aka “Portal Footer”.

The Portal Footer is the orange bar (highlighted in red) at the bottom this image.


The portal footer is an expanding footer that allows for showing standard company links and supports personalized links for the current logged in user. The personal links are stored in a property on the User Profile that needs to be created by an admin. Instructions to do so can be found on the GitHub repository at this page.

Here what the footer looks like expanded.


You’ll notice there are columns with a list of links inside. They are grouped by “Applications”, “Internal Modules”, “News” and “My Links” (the links that are held on the user profile).  The “Applications”, “Internal Modules” and “News” group of links are stored within a SharePoint list on the portal site in a list called “PnP-PortalFooter-Links”, which are deployed automatically with the Starter Kit. If you navigate to the list you will be able to see and modify the existing links and link groups that show in the footer.

Modify a company wide link in the footer

To modify an existing link in the footer, all you need to do is edit one of the links in the PnPPortalFooterLinks list. Let’s do that now. I am going to open up the CRM link item under “Applications” and change the title from “CRM” to “NEW CRM TITLE”.

Once I save the item, and reload the page and expand my footer, I’ll see my new title.


Permission the portal link items

While I rarely recommend item level permissions, there are times where this may make sense. Generally speaking, item level permissions can make it hard for IT staff members to manage what content users have access to in SharePoint. Also, in a list with many items, item level permissions become a performance concern. However, in the case of this links list, it’s unlikely we’ll have that many items so it should be fairly easy to manage.

The footer link can only access items in a list that the current logged in user has access to, thus allowing us to show or hide links to specific users. Let’s say that the ERP application in the “Applications” group should only be visible to a specific ERP team. Using out of the box permission, we can remove access and grant permissions to the item for that team only.

Add my own personal links

As previously mentioned, the portal footer allows for users to create and link to their favorite locations that they access the most. To do this, expand the footer using the arrows on the right. You’ll see the ability to add and edit the links on your profile.


If you are a SharePoint admin, you can navigate to the User Profiles in the SharePoint Admin center and see the values for links that users are storing on their profiles.



Update company name

If you look at the footer, you’ll notice it has a copyright for Contoso 2018 and also has a help desk link to Changing these values is the most common request I have seen from users who have tested out the starter kit and want to use these extensions. In order to do this, we actually need to modify the PnP Provisioning template provided with the solution because these values aren’t stored anywhere in SharePoint.

If you have downloaded/cloned the repository, navigate to the provisioning folder and open up the hubsite.xml file. This is the template that defines the structure of the portal site. It includes all of the pages, the navigation, the web parts and identifies which application customizers will load for this site. Towards the bottom of the file you will see an XML node called <pnp:CustomActions>, inside it defines the Portal Footer properties.

Let’s say I want to change the values highlighted in red that correspond to the Copyright and Help link in the footer. My fictional company is Cameronsoft and we manufacture fake widgets, so I definitely want to have my company’s name in the footer at all times. I will change these values in the template.xml before deploying the PnP starter kit.


Now, if i deploy the starter kit, my company’s information will be listed at the bottom instead of Contoso!


Updating an already deployed footer

Let’s say you’ve deployed the footer but you didn’t realize that it would be labeled with Contoso. I wouldn’t try to re-deploy the starter-kit, because you may find complications with that. So here is a set of PowerShell scripts to help you do so. Using PnP, you’ll need to connect to the hub site and remove the existing portal footer, and re-add a new one with new properties.

Remove-PnPCustomAction -Identity "PortalFooter"

Add-PnPCustomAction -Name "PortalFooter" -Title "PortalFooter" -ClientSideComponentId b8eb4ec9-934a-4248-a15f-863d27f94f60 -Location "ClientSideExtension.ApplicationCustomizer" -ClientSideComponentProperties "{""linksListTitle"":""PnP-PortalFooter-Links"",""copyright"":""@Copyright CameronSoft, 2018"",""support"":"""",""personalItemsStorageProperty"":""PnP-CollabFooter-MyLinks""}"

We start by connecting to the hub site using Connect-PnPOnline.

Then we remove the application customizer with the name “PortalFooter”. Followed up by Add-PnPCustomAction. Notice, the clientsidecomponentproperties is a JSON object that defines the values on the footer. Just update these to include your company instead of Constoso!

Modify Footer code

You may find the footer isn’t displayed exactly how you like, or you want to add your own custom functionality. Well, no problem there! This is an open source project and you are free to change anything you like. To find the footer code, open your sp-starter-kit folder in VS Code and navigate to /solution/src/extensions/portalfooter This is where you can modify the code to suite your needs. Once complete, just rebuild and package the solution then upload it to your app catalog! Instructions on SPFx and how to build and deploy apps can be found here.

Final Comments

I hope you find this post helpful. As I mentioned, I am going to be doing a short series on this for those of you who wish to customize or change the PnP Starter kit. If you have any questions, I suggest going to the GitHub repository first. Eric Overfield has done a fantastic job producing documentation for this solution. If you can’t find what you are looking for, you can ask a question in the issues list or you can just comment on this post and I’d be happy to help!

25 thoughts on “Customizing the PnP Starter-Kit for Office 365 Part 1 – Portal Footer

  1. Obs (@Obs_BE) July 20, 2018 / 1:19 am

    Great article! Thanks.
    I have a related question, maybe you can help with.
    As the starterkit clearly dictates, you shouldn’t deploy it to a production tenant.
    However I would very like to use this footer extension on my company’s tenant.
    As I have no experience with SPFx, I have no idea how to accomplish this.
    Could you point me to a resource or give some pointers on that? Thanks!


    • Beau Cameron July 20, 2018 / 11:43 am

      You have a couple of options. Likely, you’ll want to upload the .sppkg file to your app catalog. Then using PowerShell, you’ll want to add the footer to your new site. I have updated this post that shows how to remove/add/customize the footer on this site. The GitHub repo has instructions on how to upload the .sppkg file to your environment. Let me know how I can assist further.


      • Obs (@Obs_BE) July 21, 2018 / 5:14 am

        Thanks for you feedback, appreciate it.
        Is there a seperate sppkg file that only contains the footer extension? or do I need to use the sharepoint-starter-kit.sppkg file?


  2. westerdaled July 31, 2018 / 6:07 am

    With regards to PnP-PortalFooter-Links.XML , would I want to edit these prior deployment in VS Code . Note I am working in a copy of your PnP-Starter-Kit-Non-FR repo we talked about last week.


  3. Tommy September 18, 2018 / 8:41 am

    Great article! Thank you! I had already deployed the solution containing the Contoso copyright etc, after some searching your article allowed me to update the footer in a matter of minutes.


    • Beau Cameron September 19, 2018 / 8:15 am

      Awesome! I’m happy to hear it! Let me know if there is anything else in the Starter Kit you’d like to see how to customize 🙂


  4. G Davis October 4, 2018 / 7:06 am

    Your articles on the PnP Starter Kit are pretty awesome! But I have a question.

    Is there a way to modify/add/delete link groups in the portal footer?


    • Beau Cameron October 4, 2018 / 10:23 am

      Thanks! The Portal Footer links are controlled via a list on the portal site. If you go to site contents, you’ll see a list called PnP-PortalFooter-Links where all of the links are coming from!


  5. kiwithatflew October 23, 2018 / 3:13 pm

    Thanks for this Beau! I wish I came across this earlier! I had one quick question. I was extracting webparts and extensions from the SharePoint Starter Kit and I have managed to do the Portal Footer, Alerts and the Tiles so far. But I am seeing some inconsistencies which you may have seen.
    Specifically with the Alerts and Portal footer. I find that there are times when they both dont work (does not show up on the page) for me. After a couple of refreshes, it does. I am suspecting some sort of race condition or maybe I am loading libraries multiple times.
    Have you come across this yet?


  6. Peter June 25, 2019 / 12:35 pm

    How do I update the Starter Kit after it is already deployed? I see there are some changes to the footer a few days ago.


    • Beau Cameron June 25, 2019 / 1:36 pm

      You will have to get the latest solution/.sppkg file. And then re-deploy the .sppkg file to your app catalog and replace the existing starter kit app. This will update the solution in your environment!


  7. pikg10 June 25, 2019 / 3:02 pm

    So I just upload the .sppkg file to the app catalog and that’s it?


  8. pikg10 June 26, 2019 / 6:37 am

    I used the PowerShell code to change the footer company name and email.
    I did this script on the main hub site. When I go to the other associated site it shows the old company name and email. It seems like it is not updating the footer on other sites associated with the hub site.


    • Beau Cameron June 26, 2019 / 6:50 am

      Hi!, If you are using the portal footer on other sites, you’ll have to run that ps command on those sites as well, as it’s associated with each site.

      Liked by 1 person

      • pikg10 June 28, 2019 / 11:56 am

        I ran the command on other sites but the footer company name and email didn’t change.
        Sometimes it shows the changed text, sometimes it shows the contoso name.


  9. pikg10 June 27, 2019 / 9:59 am

    When I modify the footer company name and email in the starterkit.xml file do I need to repackage the starterkit.xml into a starterkit.pnp file? Using

    $kit = Read-PnPTenantTemplate -Path .\starterkit.xml
    Save-PnPTenantTemplate -Hierarchy $kit -Out yourstarterkit.pnp


  10. Eddie U October 9, 2019 / 9:10 am

    Hey! Awesome resource. I have successfully implemented this to our tenant. My problem is that whenever we go to “Edit” the footer links, the modal briefly flashes then disappears on us. The screen then just stays with a dark overlay. We have added the custom property to the user profile as per the documentation, but cannot figure out what is happening. Any ideas?


  11. Santiago Bertola January 8, 2020 / 10:14 am

    Beau, you rock! I finally be able to change company name and support email in my deploy.
    Thaks a lot!


  12. Richard Duffy January 19, 2022 / 7:49 am

    Hi, I am trying to update a previously deployed footer, and although the footer removes ok, the new footer doesn’t display… but I don’t get an error when running the code.
    Also, as the year value in the Copyright is not dynamic, we are faced with running this code every year if the year is to stay current? Any ideas on how that could be done so that it updates automatically?


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