Edit HTML files in SharePoint Library

In Modern Office 365, one of the neat new features is the ability to edit HTML files by opening up a file from a Modern library. The HTML contents would load in the browser and were able to edit the HTML without having to download the file or edit the file using SharePoint Designer — this was a very powerful capability for many people.

Well, recently Microsoft has removed this capability (not sure why) as noted by Mark Rackley. Please vote in the UserVoice!

 What to do?

This wasn’t the first occurrence of this issue. I have found others posted about this topic on other social forums such as Reddit and Facebook. Because of this, I have decided to just build a simple little CommandSet button that will run on SharePoint libraries, which bypasses the new Microsoft changes and allows you to edit an HTML file in the browser. In order to do this, all we need to do is append &p=5 into the browser URL.

The Solution

The solution was quite simple. Build a SPFx CommandSet button, which allows the user to select an HTML file and then navigate to the view page with &p=5 appended to it.



The code is quite simple. When a user selects a file with a file type of “html”, show the command button. When the button is clicked, grab the FileName, file path and folder path. Construct a new URL, and append &p=5.

What it looks like

Select an HTML file, the CommandSet button shows up



Click “Edit HTML”, the page will redirect to the modern list view display form, with &p=5 to load the default edit view of the file.


Try it out

If you’d like to try it out, please do. I have uploaded the source and the sppkg file to my GitHub Repository.  The sppkg file will be in the sppkg folder. Upload this to your app catalog. Subsequently, you can deploy the app via Site Contents or using PowerShell.  Below is a sample PowerShell command for you. (This is old code, there are other ways to provision this)

 Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://test.sharepoint.com/sites/MySite
 $context = Get-PnPContext
 $web = Get-PnPWeb
 $ca = $web.UserCustomActions.Add()
 $ca.RegistrationType = "List"
 $ca.RegistrationId = "101"
 $ca.ClientSideComponentId = "6599b3cc-7631-4a55-962e-43d1757977ec"
 $ca.ClientSideComponentProperties = "{""sampleTextOne"":""Edit HTML""}" 
 $ca.Location = "ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet.CommandBar"
 $ca.Name = "EditHTML CommandButton"
 $ca.Title = "EditHTML CommandButton"
 $ca.Description = "EditHTML CommandButton"


PnP-Starter-Kit for Standard Release Tenants

I am going to preface this blog post with — if you have an issue with the solution setup I have below, please do not add issues to the PnP-Starter-Kit issues list. This solution below, is a replication of the pnp-starter-kit and not managed by the PnP Team.

I’d also like to say, that you don’t need this post. The PnP-Starter-Kit should be deployed into First-Release tenants. I’ve had reservations on whether or not to post this.

What is it?

The PnP-Starter-Kit is an open sourced initiative that was released by the PnP-Team to show all of the capabilities that currently exist around provisioning in Office 365 using the SharePoint Framework and PnP Provisioning. For more information on the project, the GitHub repository can be found here.

One of the requirements of the PnP-Starter-Kit, is that it requires your tenant to be configured for “First Release for everyone”. This is because some of the web parts utilize the new AadHttpClient and MsGraphClient. These are currently in preview, but require permissions to be requested and approved under “API Management” in the admin center.

What’s in this my solution?

This solution is essentially an exact replica of the PnP repository, except that I have removed all of the web parts that require First Release and I have modified the deploy scripts and PnP Provisioning XML files to also support standard release tenants. What this means is that you will not have the LOB application or any of the web parts that generally show up on the personal page (except the people directory).

Why do this?

You may be wondering why I would do this. Since all of this is brand new and uses experimental features, it should only be deployed into a test/demo tenant, where turning on First Release shouldn’t be a problem. However, through some of the issues lists and comments I’ve seen on social media, it appears many people want to deploy the web parts into standard release tenants to test out the web parts, so I figured “why not?”.

You can get a demo tenant for free and set that tenant to first-release. However, if you really feel you want to deploy this into Standard Release… here you go.

How to deploy

The deployment of this is exactly the same as the full PnP Starter Kit, except you don’t have to configure any of the API management stuff.

GitHub Repository Here

  1. Make sure you’ve updated your PowerShell module to the latest version.
  2. Make sure your development environment is configured correctly here.
  3. Make sure your tenant is configured following this page for the User Profile property for the Portal Footer.
  4. Make sure your tenant has an app catalog
    1. Wait 24 hours after creating one
  5. Make sure your account is a Term Store Administrator

To deploy the starter kit, you’ll need to upload the sharepoint-portal-showcase.sppkg from the /package folder to your app catalog.  This will provision the web parts to all of your site collections for use. If you’d like to also include the 3 demo sites, and pre-built pages included in the full starter kit, then open up Powershell and navigate to the provisioning folder. Once inside the folder, execute the following command to start the provisioning process.

.\deploy.ps1 -TenantUrl https://YourTenant.sharepoint.com -SitePrefix Demo



If you have any questions, just ask me. Please note, that I will not really be maintaining this repository, so it will not be receiving any of the new bug fixes and updates from the PnP Team.

Please do not add issues about this package to the PnP-Starter-Kit GitHub repository issues list.